The local sales tax expires Aug. 31, 2009. The Sarasota County Council of Neighborhood Associations, or CONA, voted last week not to endorse the tax extension. The position was taken mainly because of the group's dispute with the Sarasota County School Board, which has not raised school impact fees in three years and is largely relying on the sales tax to pay for new school construction. For more on the upcoming tax vote, click here or here . HOW THE QUESTION WILL APPEAR ON NOV. 6 BALLOTS: REFERENDUM TO CONTINUE THE SALES TAX AND THE CITIZEN TAX OVERSIGHT COMMITTEES Shall ordinance 2007-087 be approved continuing the one-cent sales tax through December 31, 2024 to fund community projects, including transportation, parks, beaches, dredging, libraries, criminal justice facilities, general government, museum, transit, sidewalks, environment, water and sewer, stormwater, solid waste, affordable housing, , neighborhoods, health systems, public safety, public schools; establishing co...