Several items of potential interest to Lake Sarasota residents are on the Tuesday, Dec. 11th County Commission Agenda: 20. PUBLIC WORKS To approve a Contract with Frederick Derr and Company, Inc., for construction services of the Lakeview Elementary School Area Sidewalk Project and the Jarvis Road Water Main Extension Projec t, in the amount of $1,622,104.68. 21. PUBLIC WORKS To approve the use of contingency funds for improvements to sidewalks, as follows: C. Webber Street, Phase II, Improvement Project, Lakeview Elementary School Improvement Project , CIP 85786, Shamrock Drive Improvement Project, CIP 95793, and North Sarasota Improvement Project, CIP 85785, in the amount not to exceed the Project's contingency. 43. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES A. Public hearing continued from August 29, 2007, to consider proposed Ordinance No. 2007-072, Palmer Place Development of Critical Concern (DOCC), a petition by Kemmons Wilson, Inc., to construct 1,488 mixed residential dwelling uni...