
Showing posts from November, 2008

A smashing success

Thanks to the efforts of several stalwart Lake Sarasotans, the mega yard sale of Thanksgiving 2008 was a stunning success. Some 97 homes participated (thanks all), and more than a thousand people came through our entrances. Every last map was taken, and many of the burgers and hot dogs were purchased. A big thank-you to Sandy Allen for doing virtually everything to make this happen. Vigorous thanks also to Bill Pitts, Ray and Connie, Tisha, Laura, Ellie, and Ted for their magnificent efforts. Special thanks to Richard A. for allowing us to wake him up so he do some heavy lifting and driving. Congratulations all!

Yard Sale now at 97 Homes

At latest count, this Saturday's mega Lake Sarasota Yard Sale has 88 97 participating homes! And more volunteers are needed! Contact Sandy at . Click here to see the latest map .

Choked Waterways of Lakeview Park

Few Sarasotans today remember the rather fanciful way Lakeview Park began, as a developer's come-on for lot sales in " Sunshine Springs and Gardens ": Until a few years ago, the waterways of the park were relatively clear, thanks to a deep well and a pump that kept the water moving. When a storm knocked out the power and the pump failed, things changed. A small group is looking at ways of restoring the park - not, mind you, to the days of swan-adorned boats, but simply to healthier, cleaner water. Have a look at some of the approaches outlined here . If you have ideas, interest and time, do get in touch - we'd love to hear from you. We'd love to see clear waters moving again.

Listen up!

The N ov. 29th community Yard Sale is attracting a huge number of participants. Click on this link to see the latest map . Sandy says some streets have yet to be canvassed and she's expecting more homes to join, which means this is virtually certain to be the largest Yard Sale Lake Sarasota has done so far. It also means we are in desperate need of volunteers! As Sandy says: We desperately need volunteers for the garage sale.  We only have a few and we need many more.  Also, we will have Hamburgers, Cheeseburgers, Hot Dogs, Chips and Drinks at the corner of Maui and Bee Ridge.   If any of you know a landscape r, I need a little patch mowed there.  So we need people to work on handing out the maps, and to handle the food, and someone to mow a bit of the area at Maui and Bee Ridge. Contact Sandy directly at  to get your house on the map, and to volunteer to help make this yard sale a huge success. Thank you...   View Larger Map

72 Hour Crime Spree?

Some new information from Ted Cover, who still needs volunteers for the Citizens Patrol ( contact him here ): I've just received the October 2008 Crime Report for Lake Sarasota from the Sheriff's Dept.   There was an alarming increase in theft -- probably a symptom of economic hard times:  Twenty-two were reported -- most of them within the span of three days: Palau and Jarvis both had four incidents.  Java, Brentford, Lago , and Mauna Loa had two incidents each.  Paota , Lancaster, Hina, Rangi , and Honolulu each had one incident.  Most of the thefts occurred between Oct. 12 and 14.   I encourage everyone to keep garage doors closed as much as possible.  Keep car doors locked when parked in the front yard or street.  Don't make it easy for the thieves.  If we make it difficult for them, we discourage them.   Ted Cover Citizens Patrol 

Updates from the Chair

Bill Pitts has been elected Chairman of the Lake Sarasota Community Group for 2009 - here's his update: Hello residents of Lake Sarasota:   We held our last meeting for this year on Tuesday, November 11,2008.  Many important topics were discussed.   Ellie Himes gave a treasury report and stated that we currently have $552 in our account.   There were three new winners chosen for Yard of the Month awards.   Ted Cover gave us a report on the citizen's patrol.  He asked that anyone who is signed up for the patrol and no longer wishes to be on it let him know so that he can remove your name from the list.  The lack of volunteers for patroling was addressed.  We took a vote and decided to assign patrol times to all volunteers still on the list.  Assignments will be made in alphabetical order starting with "A".  Ted will set up a schedule and let you know when you are assigned to patrol.  PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THIS WILL ONLY BE A COUPLE OF HOURS EVERY SIX TO EIGHT WEEKS AND ...

Community Business Directory in 2009

At our next meeting on January 13,2009 we are going to start putting together a directory of services provided by residents of our community.  We hope to help our residents get some business during these tough economic times.  If you are interested in being in the directory you will need to be at the meeting.  The cost for being in the directory is $20. and you should bring a business card that can be duplicated for the directory.  THE BOARD VOTED TO REQUIRE ATTENDANCE AT THE MEETING AS A PREREQUISITE FOR BEING IN THE DIRECTORY, SO NO ONE WILL BE LISTED THAT DOESN'T COME TO THE MEETING.  WE WANT TO HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO MEET EVERYONE THAT WE PUT IN THE DIRECTORY.

Brief report of Nov. 11th General Meeting

The Lake Sarasota Community Group held its final meeting of the year, at which it held elections among other business: Three new Yards of the Month were selected. Citizens Patrol needs you. Contact Ted , let him know when you can do a few laps around the neighborhood. The landscaping of the front entrances looks good, but needs watering. Volunteers are welcome. Contact Tisha if you can volunteer to help out. Habitat for Humanity is working on a ReHabitat mission in Lake Sarasota, on Samoa. Contact Laura if you'd like to be involved in this home makeover, which is improving our community and helping longtime neighbors in Lake Sarasota. During the meeting the idea for a Lake Sarasota Trades Referral Service was revived. If you have a business or know of one operated by Lake Sarasota residents that you can recommend, let Bill know, or drop a line to the blog . The best way to get your business represented is to bring your business cards to our general meetings, the second Tuesday ...

Google Map of 11.29 Yard Sale

A number of Lake Sarasotans have already signed up to participate in the November 29th Yard Sale. Contact Sandy at if you wish to be listed on the map . You can move around the map with the mouse. View Larger Map

Meeting 11.11, Yard Sale 11.29

The last general meeting of the Lake Sarasota Community Group for 2008 will be on Tuesday, Nov. 11, Sarasota Baptist, 7 p.m. Come to learn more about  a Habitat for Humanity project in Lake Sarasota elections for LSCG officers for 2009 ideas for neighborhood parks plans for upcoming events Speaking of events, this year's Lake Sarasota Mega Yard Sale will be on Saturday, Nov. 29th - check back for more details.

Upcoming County Government Events
