Responses to Proposed Change to Mauna Loa Entrance

Concerns of safety and aesthetics with regard to the plan to reconfigure the entrance to Lake Sarasota have come in and are posted below: 1. Given that it appears we will have no median or divider at the entrance/intersection at Mauna Loa/Bee Ridge: Are we looking at entirely eliminating any divider between north and south lanes of Mauna Loa at the busy entrance? Is this safe? I there is some sort of divider envisioned, what will it look like? 2. Given that we are not just losing the median but also our flagpole, what might be done to re-station the flagpole, and, perhaps install a lighting system to make it more visible? All responses received ( ) will be forwarded to the agent for the developer and to Debbie Marks, our Neighborhood Services liaison.