Dear Lake, Welcome to Sarasota County's community e-newsletter. If you have questions, ideas for articles, or feedback on the system, contact us at . County government offices will be closed Jan. 19 for Martin Luther King Jr. holiday Most Sarasota County Government offices, including the Florida Department of Health in Sarasota County, will be closed Monday, Jan. 19 , for the national observance celebrating the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. New FEMA floodplain map workshops starting Jan. 20 More than 40,000 parcels will be moving into or out of high-risk flood zones throughout the county when the changes take effect in early 2016, according to data released by FEMA, and all property owners are urged to check the flood zone status of their properties. In anticipation of new floodplain mapping, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is hosting three open houses this month at three ...