Dear Lake, Welcome to Sarasota County's community e-newsletter. If you have questions, ideas for articles, or feedback on the system, contact us at . FEMA Flood Map Modernization process continues with submission of appeals As part of the ongoing FEMA Flood Map Modernization project, Sarasota County and its municipalities are preparing to submit a summary report following a review of the agency's preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps. SOE offers early voting for City of Sarasota second runoff election Supervisor of Elections Kathy Dent will offer early voting for the May 12 City of Sarasota second (runoff) election, beginning Monday, May 4 and continuing through Saturday, May 9 . North Port Library to host 'Shark Lady' tribute video presentation May 13 North Port Public Library will host a special video presentation of a 2013 interview with the late Dr. Eugenie Clark, the famed "Shar...