Report from March 16th community meeting

Hina Park in Lake Sarasota Report from March 16, 2017 LSCG Meeting: It was decided without objection to leave the executive board in place for the next year. Motion was heard, seconded, and carried. The March 25th community garage sale is on, but Keith and Sommer cannot accept any donations because they'll be away. The flag was replaced and there was a report of a pulled post in Hina park. The volunteers for the Hina Park project were thanked and some money was collected if anyone who acquired material (Tammy and John Fultz) wish to be reimbursed. If so, speak to Ellie. Carlos Correa from The Enclaves on Palmer Blvd. came by and spoke passionately about supporting the efforts to block the development near Celery Fields. I for one agree and there seemed to be no dissent at the table. We should think of ways to get involved. I, for one, will spend my spring break annoying Caragiulo about this through email and phone calls. Others are encouraged to write him, attend protests, ...