
Showing posts from July, 2023

West Bridge meeting summary and next steps

  Dear Neighbors, Thanks to everyone who attended the LSCG meeting on 7/27. The information to be distributed is too much for a post or an email. Please, read the summary of the meeting and the next steps moving forward. If you wish to help or have questions, please email Thanks. First, an open letter, then more details below. To no one’s surprise, the attendees of the Lake Sarasota Community Group meeting on July 27th unanimously decided to fight the new development proposed by developer Josh Graber and his agents. We are opposed to this type of development, not to the current zoning for single-family dwellings. No number of amenities or concessions offered by the developer in the neighborhood workshop were persuasive to the twenty-thirty people who came or attended via video last night.  The community  wanted me to share this message, too: please, know that this and other developments in the area will affect every one of us, from Molokai to B...

Lake Sarasota Community Meeting Tonight, July 27

You can attend the Lake Sarasota meeting this evening at Alliance Church - North side of Bee Ridge opposite Chaucer - or via the TEAMs Link below.  The Topic is a development that is proposed to be built inside Lake Sarasota - the name of the future project is West Bridge at Lake Sarasota - More on that here . The Lake Sarasota Community is meeting on  Thursday 7/27 at 7 pm in Alliance Church.  If you are able to attend in person, please, do. If not, the attached TEAMS link should be clicked to virtually attend the LSCG meeting on 7/27 at 7pm. You  do not  need a subscription to any service. Just click and accept any permissions your computer asks for. Please, log in a few minutes early so that we may adjust any technical difficulties and start on time. Yours, Keith Russo Community discussion on what to do about West Bridge.  Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID:  938 229 826...

Workshop: Development on West Side of Lake Sarasota 7.18.23

Please share this with your Lake Sarasota neighbors: On Tuesday July 18, an online Neighborhood Workshop will take place. It's about a new proposed set of high-rise condos on the sliver of wooded land between Lake Sarasota and I-75. The developer will be going to the County with a new plan for 208 (or possibly more) dwelling units on  24.5 acres, to be called West Bridge at Lake Sarasota. Access to the land will solely be possible through roads within Lake Sarasota. Two bridges to cross over the creek (which is part of the Phillippi Creek drainage area) will be constructed.  The image below is taken from  the full proposal . The Zoom link to the 7.18 Neighborhood Workshop is: Meeting ID: 933 620 1982 Password: 123456 Government  »  Planning and Development Services PDS Calendar Print Share & Bookmark Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option Font Size: ...