An update from Laura
*We have been accomplishing much as a "community group", but have found that it would really be easier if we had a checking account. So, we are going to "incorporate" in order to have a tax i.d. # for this purpose. To incorporate, we need to officially name officers. This is probably another good idea and maybe a way to get some "fresh blood" on the scene.If you, or a neighbor you know, would like to help make a positive impact in our neighborhood, please let me know.
We are taking nominations and will vote at our next general meeting on October 9th @ 7 pm.Right now this is our "officers" line-up:
Laura Mathis Administrative Director
Dawn Steele Treasurer & Beautification Co-Director
Tisha Farrington Beautification Co- Director
Mark Blumenthal Beautification Co-Director
Judy Johnson Traffic Calming Director
George Morgan Citizen's Patrol Director
Renee Pitts Yard of the Month Director
Tom Matrullo WebmasterAs you can see, these titles sort of describe what we do and aren't the usual association titles.
We really need someone to step up and take the role of Activities Director to help us organize such events as: Community Yard Sale, Picnic at Park and anything else creative we can come up with.
*Next Training will be Oct 9th @ 6:30 before our general meeting. This is a short session hosted by the police dept to "certify" residents to be a part of our Citizen's Patrol. If you haven't already done so, please attend in order to be a part of this successful endeavor.*We need volunteers to patrol during the week day or night. Crime has increased during the week .
*Please remember to lock house and car doors :) Apparently many people are forgetting this simple safe-guard.
*Our tree planting in medians by county is being post-poned till spring so we can get on the "water-truck" schedule. Putting in new irrigation is just too expensive.*Front median landscaping and new flag pole will be done when we work through the permitting details.
* We have permission from the county to obtain some nice size boulders for use in landscaping, but need someone with a 'bob-cat' or similar equipment to go get them at a county site. If you or someone you know could help, please let me know.
Thank You :)
Laura Mathis