Warning from Manatee Sheriff

Warning: Man in Fake Ice Cream Truck – Kids!

If any resident(s) has a suggestion to implement a neighborhood watch program to keep our children safe, please let me know.
Last week we sent out an Ewatch regarding a man in a van that looked like an ice cream truck trying to get a child to get in the van. This occurred on a Saturday afternoon in the Perico Island area.
On this Saturday January 26th it seems the same man approached 2 young children in the Lakewood Ranch area.
The man is described as a white male in his 50's with gray balding hair, small thin mustache with a chubby build, driving a white older van that looked like an ice cream truck with no markings. there were discoloration marks on the side of the van like signs had been removed. There was no tag seen.
The man told the children to hop in the van because their mother had sent him to pick them up.
Please tell your children about this incident and remind them never to get in a car with someone they don't know.
This Ewatch is going out county wide because this person is mobile and could show up anywhere. So far there haven't been any reports on other days than Saturdays.

Manatee County Sheriff's Office
Crime Prevention
941-747-3011 ext 2500

If any resident(s) has a suggestion to implement a neighborhood watch program to keep our children safe, please let me know.


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