An Open Letter to the Residents of Lake Sarasota

Dear Neighbors, If you live in Lake Sarasota, you've probably noticed some differences over the past couple of years. A group of neighbors formed the Lake Sarasota Community Group (LSCG) and, working with the county, has accomplished several things. A short list of tangible results would include: New landscaping and signs at Mauna Loa and Westminster New flagpole at Mauna Loa entrance New trees for medians Neighborhood clean-ups each year Citizens Patrol Yards of the Month Traffic calming Fall Festivals Neighborhood Garage Sales Holiday Santa and Caroling. Mauna Loa included in Great American Clean-Up Liasons with Sheriff, Parks, Public Works, Utilities Projects , Neighborhood Services Newsletter (formerly monthly, now quarterly) mailed to the entire 1,600-home community (with the help of business supporters like Mickey Schweitzer ). Maintenance of websites for communication on the Net. Much of this could not have been done without the activ...