Landscaping the Entrances

Note: The plants here are those that would most likely be part of the landscaping regardless of which landscaper is chosen.
Diffley and Daughters Dreamscapes, Inc.
Dreamscape Installation at the two entrances to Lake Sarasota - Total: $750.00
Westminster Entrance
Diffley will take the plants from the Mauna Loa entrance and install them in those beds-balancing out both sides & Installing Pine Bark Mulch.Mauna Loa Entrance
Diffley & Daughters will make both beds identical
2-Double Foxtail-4 ft. behind the Lake Sarasota signs
4-Dwarf Philodendron
6-Flax Lily
6-Golden Aster
4-Indian Hawthorn
Install Pine Bark Mulch
Diffley & Daughters Dreamscapes will also donate our time & services of -- 1 month of watering the beds once a week & 1 year of upkeep on all the beds including-Weed control, edging the beds, & trimming.

--Mona Loa Entrance--

Dwarf Indian Hawthorne 1 gallon 10
Gold Mound Duranta 3 gallon 4
Pygmy Date Palm Triple Stem 15 gallon 2
B+ Cypress Mulch 'Cubic Yard' 1
*Remove Existing Material For Relocation....Reset Boulders...Install New Material...
--Westminster Entrance--
Liriope 'Evergreen Giant' 1 gallon 14
Gold Mound Duranta 3 gallon 10
B+ Cypress Mulch 'Cubic Yard' 2
*Remove Existing Material...
*Relocate Fountain Grass, Areca Palms, Liriope From Mona Loa Entrance...

Double Fox Tail Palm

Double Pygmy Date Palms