Yard Sale, Biz Directory, Entrance Changes, Park Clean-Up, More

Tonight's meeting generated a lot of news, including updates on the next Garage Sale, the next Park Clean-up, changes to our entrance, the business directory and more.

The treasury now has $1201.92 in the bank all of the difference from the last report due to revenue from the Business Directory (see more on it below). The group approved paying to renew our incorporation with the State.

A brief training session for Citizens Patrol will be held at Ted's house Wed. evening, March 11. Contact him for more information if interested at 941 379-0758.

Three new homes were chosen for Yard of the Month - Renee will be delivering signs.


Work will soon begin on adding a lane to the front Mauna Loa entrance. Anyone who wishes to help save the plants and possibly the trees in the first median is invited to meet at the flagpole this Saturday, March 14, at noon. Hawthorne and other plants will be saved possibly to be replanted around either this entrance or the one at Westminster. More on the entrance reconfiguration below.


Plans to install a pump that would balance water in the lake and canals may be put on hold for the time being thanks to recent county layoffs. However, a massive Lakeview Park Clean-Up is scheduled for Saturday, April 4, beginning at 8 a.m. It's needed:

  • Bring shovels, plastic bags, etc. to collect debris. 
  • The County will bring a dumpster for yard waste.
  • There will be food - some of it possibly home-made by Ray and Connie - along with water, etc.
  • Some of the sports groups who use the park will be invited to participate   -- the Sky Pilots might even bring some food -- but we need 25-30 residents to join in.
  • Signs to remind folks of this event will be posted in Lake Sarasota and in Lakeview Park.

The Next Lake Sarasota Mega-Garage Sale has been set for Saturday, April 18th, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  1. Plans call for a table with maps, coffee, donuts, muffins, etc.
  2. As in the past, anyone who wishes to have their sale listed on the map needs to contact Sandy at (941) 321-5582 or sallen11@comcast.net.
  3. However, there will be a $2 charge to be listed on the map, to defray expenses of advertising etc. If you want to be on the map, contact Sandy. Chairman Bill or a surrogate will collect the fee on the day of the event.

The deadline to be included in the Lake Sarasota Business Directory is March 15. The directory of residents' business cards will be printed and distributed by or around May 1. To be included, pay the $20 fee to Sandy at (941) 321-5582 or sallen11@comcast.net.


The Mauna Loa Entrance will be reconfigured as a result of development north of Bee Ridge - the HealthSouth project. Basic changes:

  • Three 10-foot-wide lanes northbound to Bee Ridge.
  • New traffic signals.
  • New crosswalks across Bee Ridge Rd with pedestrian countdowns.
  • Replacement of first median with 4-foot-wide concrete separator, 6 inches high.
  • Relocation of flagpole to second median (at HealthSouth developer's expense)
  • Possible embellishment of concrete separator with stamped concrete or tile. We are looking at options.
  • Work is to begin on this very soon, hence the need to remove all plantings we wish to save - so come out on Saturday!


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