Get involved: From the LSCG Board

Dear Residents of Lake Sarasota:

We had our monthly meeting last night. It was interesting and informative.

We had a citizens patrol report from Ted Cover. Ted reported that crimes in October were up from crimes in September (we don't have the November police report yet). The Citizens Patrol is in need of volunteers to patrol our neighborhood. WE NEED YOUR HELP! Please contact Ted at 379-0758

If you can just patrol for a couple of hours a month it makes it much easier on everyone. Please make an effort to give the Citizen's Patrol a hand!

Yard of the Month winners were selected and will receive the Yard of the Month signs shortly. It should be prominently displayed until the next winners are selected in January, 2010.

Since we were required to change the date of this month's meeting (circumstances beyond our control) we have decided to have our $50. cash raffle at our next meeting. The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for January 12, 2010, but the arrangements have to be finalized. We will send out another email when the date and location have been confirmed. WHY NOT COME AND TAKE A CHANCE AT WINNING $50.?????


We believe that Santa Claus will be visiting the neighborhood on December 20, however this is another date that we have to confirm with the fire department since they will be loaning Santa a fire truck to ride around the neighborhood on. We will let you know when Santa's plans are finalized.

We have tentatively selected March 13, 2010 for our next garage sale.

We have tentatively selected April 10, 2010 as the day for our Spring Fling.

We are in discussions as to when to start working on a new business directory and will let everyone know when to send in the information and money if they want to be in the directory.

The events that take place in Lake Sarasota require a lot of work when the work is only done by only a few people. We would ask that you try and help us out by volunteering some of your time to help with one or more events. This will help to keep things moving and will make our community better for everyone. Please contact Sandy Allen at 921-2137 or and let her know how you can be of assistance with the events that are coming up. THE LAKE SARASOTA COMMUNITY GROUP NEEDS SOME HELP!

Board of Directors
Lake Sarasota Community Group


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