Local Haitian Relief Effort
There are many ways to participate in help for the Haitian people, but if you are seeking a way to contribute to the relief effort for Haiti, here's a way via a reliable local organization:
With all the news on the crisis that the survivors are dealing with in Haiti, I wanted to inform you there is a way to reach out to Haiti immediately. There is a missions team called Agape Flights located in our own back yard on old 301 – they have planes which are flying to Haiti with supplies to meet immediate needs. If you wish to bring these items in – I will be happy to collect them and drop them off at their location. Bring supplies to Lynn Evensen located in SMC C305 or gather them in your areas and I will be happy to pick them up.
Agape Flights
Current Needs:
They are in urgent need for the following items:
Medical Supplies Needed
First Aid supplies
Band Aids, Gauze, Bandages, Tape, Sutures,
Water purification tablets
Neosporin, Alcohol swabs, Hydrogen Peroxide
Suture stuff
Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Tylenol
IV Tubing and Fluids, Angiocaths
Plaster for casts, Splints, brace adhesive
Other Items
Bedding, towels, clothing
Flashlights w/batteries or cranking
Plastic tablecloths, tarps for makeshift shelter
Matches and candles
Lynn Evensen
Assistant to Dr. Arthur M. Guilford Ph.D.
8350 N. Tamiami Trail, SMC C305
Sarasota, FL 34243
941.359.4340 voice
More options:
These three charities, and many others, are providing care. If you can contribute to help fund their emergency efforts, please do.
- Doctors Without Borders: http://www.moveon.org/r?r=
86019&id=18575-6544642- KSRnSJx&t=1
- Oxfam America: http://www.moveon.org/r?r=
85998&id=18575-6544642- KSRnSJx&t=2