Lots to do during National Wildlife Week

Dear Friend,

National Wildlife Week, March 15-21, is conveniently timed with the first week of daylight savings this year. Take advantage of the extra hour you’ll gain to spend quality time outdoors with your family. National Wildlife Federation offers fun hands-on activities for kids and adults alike to help you gear up for spring.

Start getting wild this season with activities like making winter art with your kids and identifying birds in your backyard or a local park. These outdoor activities are perfect for the whole family (and friends) to do together.

Don’t forget to mark your calendar to celebrate National Wildlife Week in March. Participate by committing to National Wildlife Federation’s Be Out There campaign, which gives back to our children what they don’t even know they’ve lost: a connection to the natural world.

Help your kids foster a lifelong love of wildlife. There’s a reason they call it the great outdoors!
Ashleigh Poff SignatureAshleigh Poff
Be Out There Education Team
National Wildlife Federation 



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