Oil Spill Update from County Emergency Services
Good Morning,
Due to a shift in winds, tar patties and tar balls have begun impacting some panhandle counties. Cleanup is ongoing.
The State EOC is now at a Level 1 (Full) Activation. Hours will be 0700-1900 each day.
As this event progresses, there may be an increased number or recon flights flying off of our shores.
At this time there are still no projected impacts for SW FL over the next 72 hours (see NOAA trajectory link below).
New Health Information and Advisories page added. Information on potential health impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
BP Live subsurface video feed: http://www.bp.com/liveassets/ bp_internet/globalbp/globalbp_ uk_english/homepage/STAGING/ local_assets/bp_homepage/html/ rov_stream.html
Latest Trajectories from NOAA: http://www. deepwaterhorizonresponse.com/ go/doctype/2931/53979/
Volunteer FL: http://www. volunteerfloridadisaster.org/
Primary Deepwater Horizon Response Website: http://www. deepwaterhorizonresponse.com/
Vessels of Opportunity Program: http://www. deepwaterhorizonresponse.com/ go/doc/2931/542683
USCG Sector St. Pete Area Contingency Plan: http://ocean.floridamarine. org/ACP/STPACP/StartHere.html
Florida SERT Natural Resource Damage Assessment: http://nrdata.org/