The latest Community Connections
Extension open house offers tips for a sustainable holiday season From 1-4 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 10, Extension agents will provide tips for a sustainable holiday season during the open house at the Extension office at Twin Lakes Park, 6700 Clark Road, Sarasota. Among the demonstrations planned are:(MORE) Phillippi Farmhouse Market celebrates grand re-opening Nov. 3 Growth vision approved for Fruitville Initiative Sarasota County commissioners approved the changes to the comprehensive plan Wednesday, Oct. 27, after years of discussions about what was appropriate development for the area, described by many as a gateway to Sarasota. The land currently carries designations as a major employment center and moderate density residential on the future land use map. (MORE) For more background on the Fruitville initiative, see earlier post on the Fruitville Special Planning Area comp plan amendment. |