December 2010 Meeting Notes

At the Dec. 9th meeting, the Lake Sarasota Community Group (LSCG) now has $442.14 in the treasury after making a donation of $1000 for our Adopt-a-Family project.

In other business:

1. No Santa Claus:The group decided not to ask the local Firehouse to do a Santa visit this year, since the time to advertise the event was very short.

2. Meeting Schedule: The group decided to move to a quarterly meeting schedule, with other meetings possible if circumstances dictate. The next meeting will be the second Thursday in March: 3.10.11.

3. Real Estate: According to Sandy Allen, there are now fewer homes in foreclosure in Lake Sarasota than there were. Also, an investor is said to be interested in purchasing homes on a short sale basis. Sandy says any homes listed for $100K or less are drawing numbers of interested would-be buyers. Sandy promised to update us on the situation at our next meeting in March.

4. CrimeWatch: According to Ted, there were fewer incidents in November. 3 burglaries, 1 theft, 2 incidents of juvenile disturbances. Ted thinks part of the reason could be that Citizen Patrol has been more active. To schedule a patrol, call or email Ted at 941 379-0758 or

5. Ted volunteered to call the county to find out if we can obtain signs stating that we have a neighborhood watch in effect.

6. Renee will award two Yard of the Month signs to deserving homes. (We're down to two signs due to thefts of signs from yards).

7. We are always open to new ideas, new information of interest to the community, and all else. Feel free to write to


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