LSCG Meeting Notes: Workday set for New Trees Update: Postponed

"We have to get serious about Citizens Patrol," said Ted Cover. He was speaking at the June 9, 2011 meeting of the Lake Sarasota Community Group (LSCG).

Ted should know, he's been getting the crime reports for the neighborhood from the Sheriff's Office for several years. Last month the number of incidents in Lake Sarasota spiked - and it was serious -- six burglaries, along with 5 thefts, and a report of vandalism.

Three of the burglaries were on Mauna Loa, and were reported in daytime hours. Three more -- two on Lanai and one on Lago -- occurred in the evening (one was reported at 10:45 pm).

Most of the rest of the incidents were reported between 6 a.m. and 4 p.m. These included some car break-ins. One person at the meeting noted that there's been a pattern of cars being struck by eggs.

"We should be patrolling," Ted said. Those at the meeting agreed. Ted will be calling everyone who ever signed up for Citizens Patrol, and he'll be organizing a schedule. If you want to get involved, you can reach Ted at 379-0758, or at


In other developments:

The treasury is currently at $321.09, with no outstanding obligations.

LSCG also has about $530 in grant funds from the county.

The group voted to apply the grant funds to purchase median trees to replace about 10 that have died.

Work Day for Trees: UPDATE: This is postponed.

A work day was set for Saturday, June 25, 8 a.m. to replace the dead trees. Meet at 6641 Mauna Loa.

Certain members are in charge of purchasing, others will be involved with organizing mulch, watering. Anyone is welcome to join us. One suggestion: "Adopt-a-Tree" - Put your name on a tree, and keep it watered until it's established. We're hoping to catch the rainy season with the workday. If it's raining, we'll still be out there.

The next scheduled meeting will be Thurs. Sept. 8, 7 p.m.


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