September Neighborhood Crime Analysis
The Sheriff's Dept. Crime Report for Sept., 2012 for Lake Sarasota.
Here's Ted's analysis:
The bad news is that crime is up--twelve incidents (three burglaries, eight thefts, and one juvenile disturbance).
The breakdown by street is as follows:
Allan Drive (2 incidents--2 thefts; 3915 and 3920)
Honolulu Drive (1 theft; 4035)
Lancaster Drive (3 incidents--1 burglary,
2 thefts; 4117, 4051, and 4043)
Marlborough Drive (1 incident--theft; 3123)
Middlesex Place (1 incident-- juvenile disturbance)
Palau Drive (3 incidents--2 burglaries, one theft; 4198, 4193, 4103)
Rangi Drive (1 incident--theft; 7234)
By day of the week the breakdown is as follows:
Mondays-- 4 incidents
Tuesdays-- 1 incident
Fridays -- 3 incidents
Saturdays-- 3 incidents
Sundays -- 1 incident
By date:
Sept. 2 -- 1
Sept .7 -- 1
Sept. 10 -- 1
Sept. 14 -- 1
Sept. 17 -- 1
Sept. 21 -- 1
Sept. 22 -- 3
Sept. 24 -- 2
Sept. 25 -- 2
The breakdown by time of day reported is:
M-2am 2-4am 4-6am 6-8am 8-10am 10am-N
0 0 0 1 2 1
N-2pm 2-4pm 4-6pm 6-8pm 8-10pm 10pm-N
5 2 1 0 0 0
The most likely day of the week for a crime incident to occur.: Monday
- Range of dates: 22-24
- Time of day: noon to 2 p.m.
- Streets: Lancaster or Palau
Ted Cover, Citizens Patrol
Lake Sarasota Community Group