Community Connections: Jan. 3, 2013


Welcome to the new Sarasota County Community Connections. Contact us if you have questions, ideas for articles, or feedback on the system, or just let us know how you like the new look, at 
Bird Key historical marker to honor development of famous key
SATURDAY: Development of Bird Key, starting with the purchase of property in 1906 for construction of the key's first mansion, will be commemorated at a ceremony hosted by the Sarasota County Historical Commission on Saturday, Jan. 5. The 9:30 a.m. dedication of the historical marker will be held at the entrance to Bird Key, on John Ringling Boulevard, Sarasota. .
Look into the 'Crystal Ball' at Selby Library fundraiser
No one can predict the future, but the Friends of Selby Public Library believe they can increase the odds for a brighter one when they host the third annual fundraiser, "Looking into the Crystal Ball," from 7-10 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 9, at Selby Public Library, 1331 First St. in Sarasota.
Bicycle and Ped Plan wiki extended
Sarasota County has extended through Feb. 28 the opportunity for public input and comments on its draft Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan via the county's wiki site. Find the link to the wiki at the Sarasota County website,, keyword Pedestrian.  
'Beginners Boot Camp' starts at VCC
If losing weight and getting in shape are among your resolutions for the new year, the Venice Community Center, 326 S. Nokomis Ave., Venice, has the program to help you achieve your goal.
Mobile health services in January
The Sarasota County Health Department's Health In Motion Mobile Medical Unit staff will provide free and low-cost health services at 11 sites around the county during January.  
Sign up for CodeRED alert system
The free CodeRED system provides alerts to property owners through phone and text messages on issues in their neighborhood. The system now sends text messages to cell phones. 
Band Bash returns to Selby Library
Selby Public Library will make some noise Saturday, Feb. 2, when it tosses off its quiet reputation as a place to browse books or use free computers to make way for the second annual Band Bash. The popular teen concert returns to 1331 First St. from 5:30 -11 p.m. with some of the area's hottest teen bands. 
Clerk issues annual financial report
The Clerk of the Circuit Court and County Comptroller has published the Sarasota County Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, 2012. Find the report at the Clerk's website,,keyword search "CAFR." The report can be downloaded in PDF format or read online in eBook reader format. 


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