Community Connections: Culverhouse Park Opens, July 4th Closings

June 27, 2013

Welcome to Sarasota County Community Connections. If you have questions, ideas for articles, or feedback on the system, contact us at  
Celebrate the new Culverhouse Nature Park this weekend
SATURDAY: Sarasota County Parks and Recreation, Friends of Sarasota County Parks, Friends of The Legacy Trail, Friends of Palmer Ranch Parks, Friends of Culverhouse Community Garden, the Sarasota YMCA and the Palmer Ranch Master Association will host an open house celebration from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, June 29, at the new Culverhouse Nature Park, 7301 McIntosh Road, Sarasota. 
Independence Day office closings
Most Sarasota County government offices, libraries, recreation centers and transit services will be closed Thursday, July 4, to observe the national Independence Day holiday.
Commissioner Christine Robinson is now on Facebook
If you'd like to get regular updates from the commissioner, click the link above, hover over the "Like" button, click "Settings," then "All updates."
Beach lifeguard hours extended
Sarasota County's Beach Lifeguard operational hours have been extended on all guarded beaches from 10 a.m. to 6:45 p.m.daily.
County speakers available to address hurricane preparedness
Sarasota County's Speakers Bureau is accepting requests over the summer for public safety experts to present hurricane preparedness information.
County awards construction contracts
The Sarasota County Commission has awarded contracts totaling nearly $1.7 million for construction of the Central County Water Reclamation Facility deep injection well pump and piping system, and the Terrace Building generator project. 
Don't leave children or pets in hot cars
Every summer, heartbreaking and preventable deaths occur when children are left alone in hot cars. This is also true for pets: Never leave pets alone in a hot car.

Commissioner Nora Patterson wins Presidential Advocate award
Commissioner Nora Patterson received the Florida Association of Counties (FAC) 2013 Presidential Advocate Award at the organization's Annual Conference and Educational Exposition in Tampa. 

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