Discussions with Developer, signs removed, Sheriff's report, more.

Highlights of the June Quarterly meeting of the Lake Sarasota Community Group (LSCG):

1. Representatives of TerraCap Mgmt Inc. told the LSCG board and members of the community that they could be open to a "Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions" modeled upon that employed at the Publix Plaza at Bee Ridge Extension. A rough draft of a Declaration for the Bee Ridge Park of Commerce will be drawn up and shared with the Community for comment and feedback before further talks are held. The purpose is to identify legally binding constraints that would protect Lake Sarasota residences from noise, glare, and other potential nuisances, as well as produce an appealing upscale commercial center.

2. Plans were made to rescue the Lake Sarasota signs at the entrance at Mauna Loa. The task proved easier than expected, and the signs are now in safe keeping. The concern was that they might be lost once the Bee Ridge road widening begins. If a child reports that they were stolen, please reassure them that all's well.

3. That widening of Bee Ridge is set to begin fairly soon - more on this soon. A question was raised about the landscaping and buffering designed for Bee Ridge along Lake Sarasota, because of concerns about noise from proposed restaurants at the BRPOC. We'll look into it and report back.

4. Sheriff's Report: After a high incidence of break-ins in April, there were no break-ins in May, and only five reported incidents. Ted still reminds everyone to not leave their garage openers in cars parked in the driveway. And folks with numerical keypad openers should keep them clean of wear, or thieves can quickly decipher the code, he added.

5. The current LSCG Treasury balance is $297.46.

6. Former board president Sandy Allen tendered her resignation Thursday. Former former board president Bill Pitt was nominated, unanimously elected, and accepted the job. The Lake Sarasota Board is a wholly volunteer group dedicated to the betterment of this community.

If you wish to be on the email list to see a draft of the Declaration of Covenants being considered, let us know at LakeSarasota@gmail.com. No need to write if you're already receiving our emails.


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