Resurfacing scheduled for Lake Sarasota

A Lake Sarasota resident has been tracking the resurfacing schedule for our area. He's learned that a number of our neighborhood streets that feed onto Bee Ridge Road are scheduled to be resurfaced as the widening project approaches completion.

Chris Sharek provided a spreadsheet of resurfacings and says:
As you can see, there are quite a few roads that are planned in Lake Sarasota for resurfacing. This is FANTASTIC news. It looks like they are currently in design and will be done in 2015. Even if they slip with the schedule, Bee Ridge won’t be done until 2016 anyway, so we’re in good shape.
 Chris added:
Second, I was chatting with a neighbor the other day and they seemed to think that Laurel Oaks and Bent Tree put up a bunch of $ to keep their light on Bee Ridge. I have confirmed that this is NOT the case. There is a round-about planned for that intersection. Just wanted to put an end to that rumor.


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