Summary of LSCG Meeting 6.9.16
The volunteer Lake Sarasota Community Group met Thursday - here's a brief summary of the meeting:
Neighbors on Allan Place have expressed concerns about car lights, noise, bus noise, and exposure to Bee Ridge Rd. Meetings with the County are ongoing, and the some plans are in place for buffering. Further communication with the County and with SCAT is planned.
Also, the placement of the SCAT bus stop at Allan Place presents concerns about traffic safety as well as nuisance issues. The Board unanimously voted to send an LSCG letter regarding these matters to the County, to SCAT, and to the District 2 Commissioner.
Bee Ridge roadwork is largely complete along the Lake Sarasota area, except for landscaping, which is scheduled to begin very soon. If you have any issues let us know - preferably via NextDoor, or in comments, or at
Major roadwork continues to the East, at Bent Tree and Iona, where a fourth roundabout is underway.
Sheriff's reports show little crime for the last four months - a brief spree in April, which ended in apprehension of a suspect. The May report, which came in after the meeting was held, indicates one theft, one burglary, and one juvenile disturbance for May.
The Board of LSCG encourages folks in the neighborhood to join our Facebook and Nextdoor communities and to check the blog.
The Board also intends to feature lovely neighborhood homes -- if you have photos of a Lake Sarasota home or yard that you think would people would like, feel free to send them to Joy.
Also, planning is underway for a Neighborhood Party, to be held in the Fall when the weather cools. More to come on that.
The current LSCG treasury total: $202.96