Irma updates, online voter registration, more updates

Welcome to Sarasota County's community e-newsletter. If you have questions, ideas for articles, or feedback relating to this newsletter, contact us at
  • Sarasota County's landfill will be open this Saturday, Oct. 7from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. for all customers and from 2-5 p.m.for residential vegetative storm debris only. The landfill will be closed Sunday. Tipping fees for residential vegetative storm debris are waived through Saturday.
  • Waste Management trucks for garbage and recycling are back to normal schedule, but the yard waste routes continue to be delayed by up to two days.
  • Waste Management trucks continue to collect properly prepared yard waste meeting the normal pickup standard of 4' or less in length, 40 pounds or less in weight and bagged, containerized, bundled, or tied, from residences in the unincorporated areas of the county.
  • If you also have vegetative storm debris, please make sure it is kept completely separated from the regular yard waste and garbage. Only vegetative storm debris will be picked up at this time. Please do not place construction debris at the curb or road.
  • Sarasota County has developed an interactive tool to show residents the collection schedule for Hurricane Irma debris.
Other county news:
The entire family is invited to a enjoy a fun-filled and educational day this Saturday, Oct. 7 at the annual Fire Prevention Week Open House sponsored by Sarasota County Emergency Services.
Sarasota County, in partnership with South Venice Civic Association Water Quality Task Force and the Southwest Florida Water Management District, will celebrate the completion of the South Venice Beach Waterway Restoration Project on Saturday, Oct. 14.
Sarasota County Health and Human Services is recruiting a team of volunteers to run Volunteer Reception Centers during a disaster. 
Sarasota County Master Gardeners will hold their 12th Annual Plant Sale on Saturday, Oct. 14, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Twin Lakes Park, 6700 Clark Road, Sarasota. 
Florida launched a new online voter registration website on Oct. 1 for voters who want to register to vote online or who are already registered but need to update their voter records.
Monday, Oct. 9 is the last day to register to be eligible in the Nov. 7city of Venice general election. 
Sarasota County will hold a free community cleanup in the Osprey/Vamo area from 8 a.m. to noonSaturday, Oct. 7.


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