Important Lake Sarasota Community Meeting Thursday 8.22

Commercial Center Planned around Racetrac

Thursday, Aug. 22 - 7 pm - there is an important meeting to look at the plan for a commercial center behind and East of the Racetrac at Mauna Loa. Why does this matter? For one thing, whatever is built there will be visible, audible, and potentially smellable for the residents of Lake Sarasota who live along Bee Ridge Road.
Also, our community has a legal Covenant that gives us some say over what kinds of businesses can be there, and their hours of operation. But if we are not watchful, if we do not participate in the planning process, we could lose that power forever. Come to the meeting in the offices at the rear of Sarasota Alliance Church Thurs. 7 pm.

Meeting Thursday 8.22.19
7 pm
Sarasota Alliance Church -- offices behind church
Sarasota, FL 34241

To help understand the issue, here's the County's Zoning Use Table that clarifies what can be put in under CN (Commercial Neighborhood) zoning and CG zoning (Commercial General)


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