New apartments and businesses proposed opposite Lake Sarasota entrance at Mauna Loa

The proposed Enclave project comes before the Planning Commission June 17. It could add as many as 270 apartments, more than 700 parking spaces, and several thousand square feet of commercial or office space on North Mauna Loa Blvd. on Bee Ridge Road  The developer is Terracap, based in Toronto.


Bee Ridge Park of Commerce (BRPOC) Enclave application

A 2014 covenant committed Terracap to willingly refrain from certain uses such as a car wash, package store, or outdoor entertainment that could produce noise or light disturbing to nearby homes.

TerraCap has submitted a revised covenant. This link goes to a document containing the original 2014 Covenant of 2014 followed by a clean copy of the proposed update. 

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