Update on June 6th meeting

An email from Sarasota County Neighborhood Organizer Debbie Marks:

Good morning all! This is your friendly reminder of our next meeting, 6:30 p.m. at Lakeview Park pavilion. We will be discussing the following items:

  • clean up day for the Mauna Loa Boulevard medians;
  • voting on the new entryway signs;
  • possible fund raisers;
  • surveying the neighborhood; and- future meeting locations.

Please plan to attend and bring a neighbor, we really need to increase our participation.
If you have any pull with a nearby church, please contact them to see if they would offer us a room for Tuesday evening meetings. Maybe if we had an air-conditioned room that we could depend on for the meetings and not have to be concerned with the chance of rain or the heat, we would have more people attend.

Special thanks to Dan and Judy Johnson and Robert and Dawn Steele for making the neighborhood meetings sign in the second median more permanent. Hopefully this help generate more participation.

One last note, some of you may have seen the Sheriff's Mounted Patrol in the neighborhood over the past couple of weeks. They are making lots of money off the speeders. Please pass the word to your friends and neighbors that they are in the area - we won't know exactly when they might show up, so obeying the 25 mph speed limit would be a good idea. Deputy Chris Laster will be at our meeting on Tuesday night to talk more about their program.

Thanks, have a great weekend and see you all on Tuesday!



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