County home appraisals in Lake Sarasota
Some Lake Sarasota residents are reporting that the January 2007 county appraisals on their homes actually rose over January 2006, and are wondering how this came about, given the falling real estate market for the entire region. Below you'll find information on how to see the valuations for 2006/2007 on your home as well as for your immediate neighborhood, along with some background info:
This might be a useful tool for checking how the Appraiser handled property valuations this year. Enter your address -- your street pops up, so you can handily see what the values are for 2007 as compared with 2006 for your home those around you.
Here, for example, is a section of Mauna Loa. We've clicked around on many homes, and have yet to find one whose value went down from 2006 to 2007.
You can pull up your property record here, and see what info the county uses for its appraisal. Some homeowners are finding inaccurate square footage or other data.
More background on what seem some very questionable county appraisals:
A story about what individual owners can do.
The Sarasota Property Appraiser Site.