A few notes from the newsletter
We will vote on this at August 14th meeting @ 7 p.m., so be sure to attend:
Median Beautification
During a prior meeting, we voted that trees would be most suitable for our medians. Dimetra McBride from the Forestry division discussed at our last meeting how trees would be low maintenance, and environmentally friendly. We can get trees planted and irrigated by the county once we decide on what type of trees and exactly where to plant them. She will be presenting 3 options at our August meeting that could include removing some existing palms.
Can you provide a gift certificate for a service or product? How about a potted plant or baked brownies? We need items for our welcome baskets to new residents and for our Yard of the Month winners.
(We need the baskets, too!)
Call Laura Mathis if you can donate or have a great idea for these projects.