Have you filed for your Economic Stimulus Payment yet?

A reminder from Neighborhood Services:

Sarasota County reminds all residents that October 15, 2008 is the last day an individual may file for an Economic Stimulus Payment. The Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 was enacted by Congress and the President and enables individuals to receive a one-time monetary payment. Even if you do not file taxes, you may still be eligible for a payment. Please forward this message to others who may not be aware of this.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is the agency responsible for issuing payments, and lists Florida as the fourth highest state of citizens who have not filed for payment. Once again, even if you do not regularly file taxes, you should claim your payment. The IRS will be holding special events at retirement communities and assisted living facilities throughout Florida this week to allow citizens to file for payment. The agent assigned to our area is Ms. Andrea Tupper. Ms. Tupper is available to answer any questions regarding an Economic Stimulus Payment. Her contact information is as follows:

Ms. Andrea R. Tupper

Internal Revenue Service



Citizens may also visit the Internal Revenue Service online by going to: www.irs.gov. Please contact Ms. Tupper or visit the IRS website for further information.


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