A recap of the Oct. 14th meeting from Bill Pitts

Hello Neighbors!
We are pleased to report an increase in attendance at last night's meeting.  That was great!  We believe the signs that were put up throughout Lake Sarasota helped to increase the attendance.  Thanks to all of those who put up the signs.  In order to avoid any confusion about the next meeting, please pick up the signs and put them back out a few days before the next meeting (November 11th).
Yard of the Month - The latest winners of the Yard of the Month award were selected.  If you want to nominate a yard for the award, please let Renee Pitts know.  You can call her at 371-3988 or email her at JPitts9710@aol.com
Citizen's Patrol - Ted Cover gave an excellent presentation on what type of crimes the neighborhood has experienced, the most common times the crimes have been reported and where the crimes took place.

Ted is doing a great job with the citizen's patrol, but he needs our help!!  If you are able and willing to help out please contact Ted.  Volunteering for just 2 hours a month would be a big help.  If you have previously signed up for citizen's patrol and can no longer participate, please let Ted know so that he can remove your name from the list of volunteers.  You can contact Ted by email at TCOVER6161@aol.com
Landscaping for Entrances - The new landscaping for the entrances to Lake Sarasota will be done soon.  It should make the entrances a great deal more attractive.  We are having a work day on Saturday Oct. 25th.  We will be doing cleanup as well as some planting and trimming.  We can really use all the help we can get.  It shouldn't take long if we have enough volunteers.  We will start at 8:00AM.  If you can make it please bring a plastic bag or 2 and your work gloves.
Sidewalks on Lago - David Foster brought us up to date on the efforts to get new sidewalks installed on Lago.   He explained that there is still much to be done and that he will continue to work with the county to see if the sidewalks are a possibility.
Park at Hina and Palau - Faith Downes explained some of the frustrations with all of the rules and regulations we have to follow to get the park done.  Debbie Marks from the county sent us an email saying that Public Works is finishing up their review and that everything seems to be good at this point.  Hopefully all of the hard work done by Faith, Ray and Connie will be rewarded soon.
Lakeview Park - Tom Matrullo and Ray Bresciani have had discussions with the county regarding water levels and water quality in the lake and canals at the park.  The water quality should be tested soon and there are ongoing discussions about using pumps to keep the water in the canal at a certain level.  The park is a great asset to the community and should be utilized more than it is.
CERT Program - Tom Matrullo is working very hard to get ten people to sign up for the classes for the CERT Program.  If we can get a minimum of ten, the county will train us here in Lake Sarasota at our convenience.  Please contact Tom if you are interested in the CERT Program.  You can email him at lakesarasota@gmail.com for more information.
Upcoming Events - Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 11th.  It will be the last meeting of this year.  It is a very important meeting because we will be electing officers for next year, so please try and attend.  If you would like to nominate someone please let us know, or, better yet, come to the meeting and nominate them personally.  IT'S YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD SO PLEASE PARTICIPATE!!!
Saturday, Nov 29th.  Yard sale starting at 7:00 AM (there will be signs posted with more details).
Sunday, December 21st.  Santa Claus will be visiting Lake Sarasota via fire truck.  We will let you know what time he will be coming by.  Please take a few minutes to come out and say hello.  The neighborhood kids loved seeing him on the fire truck last year!
We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting.
Bill Pitts


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