Hazards and Partnerships

From Scott Montgomery of Sarasota Emergency Services:

Good morning: I wanted to take some time to share with you a new program that Emergency Services has created called the "All Hazard Neighborhood Preparedness Program".

The goal of the All Hazard Neighborhood Preparedness Program is to build partnerships with neighborhoods and Emergency Services, by providing opportunities for the neighborhood to take ownership of the safety of their immediate community, while the County provides information, guidance and education programs. The program provides specific criteria with step by step instructions for neighborhoods to take action on the following safety-related programs offered by Emergency Services:

*Proper Use of 9-1-1

*CPR/AED training

*Swimming Pool Safety

*Homeowner Safety

*Neighborhood Disaster Planning

*Neighborhood Fire Hydrant/Road Accessibility

Upon completion of the program criterion, the neighborhood will be recognized by Emergency Services as All Hazard Neighborhood Prepared. On an annual basis, Emergency Services will bring all successful neighborhoods to be formally recognized by the Board of County Commissioners.

For a neighborhood to be recognized as All Hazard Neighborhood Prepared, the neighborhood will need to meet the criterion detailed within a booklet that contains the program information and program signoff forms. After completion of each item and validation by the Sarasota County Emergency Services Business Center representatives, the neighborhood will be recommended to the Board of County Commissioners to be recognized as All Hazard Neighborhood Prepared. Each recognized neighborhood may advertise the recognition for a one year time frame. In order to maintain the recognition designator, the neighborhood will need to review the criterion and be revalidated by an Emergency Services Representative, to keep up to date with newest Emergency Prevention and Response Techniques; educate new residents; and to ensure the various criterions remain maintenance annually.

A neighborhood is defined as any organized resident, homeowner associations and/or ad-hoc groups of neighbors in Sarasota which come together for the common good of the area residents (as defined by the area residents).

I do believe that many of you have already completed the Proper Use of 9-1-1, CPR/AED training, and the Neighborhood Disaster Planning components of this program

If you are interested in this program, or would like to receive a booklet to start the process, please contact Karen Vail, Strategic Planner for Emergency Services (232-2008), or myself (861-5927) at your convenience.

Thank you for all you do to keep our community safe!


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