A new blog for Sarasota citizens

On Monday, June 8th Sarasota County takes another step into digital communication with its first virtual Town Hall Meeting.

The subject is the county budget, and the panel, including county officials and local citizens, will be televised and shared on the web. More details about the event, which begins at 6:30 p.m., are here, and a brief public service announcement is here.

Besides being televised, the virtual meeting will have open channels to allow citizens to participate in the conversation. One such channel is a new blog, called Sarasota Community Conversations, that will enable those watching to comment in real time (and later, if you wish) on the conversation. 

The blog is a citizen's effort, by and for Sarasotans interested in bringing more voices into key conversations about the most important issues facing the county in this challenging time.

At Sarasota Community Conversations you'll find links to county resources relevant to the budget, as well some introductory posts highlighting features of this new step for Sarasota. Check it out, and feel free to comment in advance to let us know how we can make this component of the dialog as relevant and useful as we can. And join us on Monday online.


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