Great Hurricane Blowout
From Sarasota Emergency Management:
Good Afternoon; The State Department of Emergency Management is supporting the Federal Alliance for Safe Homes (FLASH) with a program titled The Great Hurricane Blowout. This innovative program will promote a culture of hurricane-based preparedness in our state through fresh outreach methods. The final result of this program will help Floridians accomplish several objectives, including:
Ø Making a family plan
Ø Making a disaster-supply kit
Ø Understanding safe cooking and sanitary practices without county and municipal utility services
Ø Passing time without electricity or the family’s ability to safely leave its home
Ø Mitigating the effects of storm damage on residences
Ø Training with various disaster-related non-profit organizations
You can help the Great Hurricane Blowout move Florida’s families “down the path to preparedness” in multiple ways. You can visit the website at