Community Connections: Redevelopment, Siesta Key, more

wikiGlobeCounty extends date for redevelopment 'wiki' editing and comments
Sarasota County is keeping the "wiki" on redevelopment regulations open for public revisions and comments until 5 p.m. Friday, March 25. (MORE)
Siesta Beach VolleyballDesign of Siesta Beach improvements will be subject of March 24 public meeting
The preliminary design of the Siesta Beach improvements will be the subject of a public meeting Thursday, March 24, at St. Boniface Episcopal Church, 5615 Midnight Pass Road, Sarasota.
Residents are invited to come anytime during the 5-7 p.m. open-house-style meeting hosted by Sarasota County Capital Management Services. There will be no formal presentation. (MORE)
floodingLibraries hosting Flood Safety Awareness seminars
County Environmental Services staff will be at Sarasota County Libraries during the months of March, April and May to raise awareness of the dangers associated with flooding, answer questions about steps property owners can take to protect against damage ... (MORE)


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