Community Connections Updates

Jackson Lab logoSarasota County chosen by Jackson Labs for new Research Institute
Sarasota County announced that Jackson Laboratories, one of the world's leading medical research companies, has chosen the county as the location for a new personalized medicine institute. (MORE)
Get energy Smart logoGet Energy Smart rebate program pays back to homeowners
Sarasota County homeowners who have made energy improvements to their homes have received more than $440,000 in rebate checks through the Get Energy Smart Retrofit Program. Over $690,000 in rebate funds remain available for homeowners, in addition to loans and free Do It Yourself Energy Saving Kits. (MORE)

No swimming signSarasota beach water advisory remains in effect for Venice Public Beach
The Venice Public Beach remains under a beach water advisory. Sarasota County Health Department officials received testing results from samples taken Wednesday, March 2, that still show an elevated level of enterococcus bacteria. Signage will remain in place until follow-up water testing results are satisfactory. (MORE)
Sea turtlesSarasota County to hold sea turtle and coastal lighting workshops
With slightly more than two months before the start of sea turtle nesting season on May 1, Sarasota County officials want to make sure lighting from coastal structures doesn't disorient nesting and hatchling sea turtles.

The county, along with Mote Marine and the city of Venice, will hold two workshops to educate coastal residents, property managers, contractors and other interested parties on the proper ways to illuminate structures at night and avoid disturbing newborn sea turtles.interest. (MORE)


Permitting online services not available March 11-14

Permitting, scheduling of inspections and records research through the Web and the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) software under Sarasota County Planning and Development Services will not be available from 5:30 p.m. Friday, March 11, until 8 a.m. Monday, March 14. The county's Web servers and IVR system will be moved to a different location during that time.

For more information, e-mail or call 941-861-6678 during regular business hours 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday.

Water glassSarasota County drinking water judged best in region
participated in a blind test at the Region 10 Water Works Association meeting on Feb. 23 at Lakewood Ranch.
Judges sampled water in unmarked bottles from eight utilities in southwest Florida, Manatee County, Charlotte County, Punta Gorda the city of Sarasota, the city of Venice, Englewood and Peace River. The panel of judges included business owners, public employees and members of the community. (MORE)


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