Bee Ridge Road Improvement Update

The Bee Ridge Neighborhoods Committee -- a volunteer group representing home owners along Bee Ridge Rd. east of I-75 -- met with county officers Friday to review plans for Bee Ridge Rd.

Here's a summary of the most prominent features of the widened road plan:

Four streets in Lake Sarasota will be end-stopped in order to improve traffic flow along the four-laned corridor:

  • Maui
  • Allan PL
  • Chaucer
  • Coleridge

Three street openings on the south side of Bee Ridge are being slightly turned so that they are directly aligned with roads north of Bee Ridge:

  • Tora - opposite Sarasota Golf Club Blvd.
  • Berkshire (next to Coleridge) - will be opposite Aberdeen
  • Wake - will line up with Wake north of Bee Ridge.
The signalized intersection at Mauna Loa and Bee Ridge will remain signalized, but will be reconfigured to serve the four-lane road. The signals at Bent Tree/Laurel Oaks and at Tora/Sarasota Golf Club Blvd. will be replaced by roundabouts.
A total of 4 roundabouts are planned, at these points:

  • Tora / Sarasota Golf Club
  • Berkshire / Aberdeen
  • Bent Tree / Laurel Oak
  • Iona / Bee Ridge Extension

Other changes will include buffering along the road -- a combination of corrugated ironwork with columns and viburnum similar to what was recently put in along sections of the new Honore Blvd. north of Bee Ridge. The Committee requested that bus stops include shelters, and has been working on getting the county MPO to plan for sidewalks west of Mauna Loa.

A detailed image of the road plan will be on view at the March 8 meeting of the Lake Sarasota Community Group, 7 p.m. at Sarasota Alliance Church, 7221 Bee Ridge Rd. (opposite Chaucer) - in the meeting space behind the church.


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