Letter to developers regarding Covenant

A letter requesting the developer of the Bee Ridge Park of Commerce was sent to the developer, TerraCap Management, to its agents, Peter Dailey and Richard M. Fischer, and to several members of the County's planning staff.

The letter asks that the BRPOC voluntarily sign a binding agreement, or Covenant, stipulating that they will not allow adult entertainment, shooting ranges, or other uses that could degrade or otherwise harm the property values and / or relative tranquility long enjoyed by residents of Lake Sarasota and other communities along the Bee Ridge Corridor. The uses identified as objectionable were determined through neighborhood polls.

A copy of the letter is here, or here. If neither link works for you, you can request a copy by writing to LakeSarasota@gmail.com.

The developers are seeking Sarasota County's approval to rezone a portion of their 40-acre site to Commercial Neighborhood. They come before the Board of County Commissioners at a hearing on May 21st. Related story here.

Rezoning portion of BRPOC


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