Covenanting with the developers of the BRPOC

At a Planning Commission hearing on April 3, the agents for TerraCap, the owner of the Bee Ridge Park of Commerce, were directed by the Commissioners to work with nearby residents to establish an understanding of what the neighborhoods would consider friendly and welcome uses for the commercial spaces.

On May 21, the County Commission will be asked to approve the rezoning of the Bee Ridge Park of Commerce. About 7 acres of the 40-acre site will be converted from PCD to CN zoning. The rest remains PCD.

As the above link shows, PCD allows a very wide range of uses, from clubs to liquor stores to gun and archery ranges. Even under the narrower CN zoning, the range includes several uses that Lake Sarasota and other area residents cited as objectionable. These included:
  • Stormwater facility in different zoning district than principal use
  • Clubs & lodges
  • Day Care
  • Bars
  • Boarding House
  • Entertainment Outdoors
  • Animal Hospital
On April 3, TerraCap agents Richard Fischer and Peter Dailey were instructed by Planning Commssioners to work with nearby neighborhoods. If neighbors feel there are uses that could prove harmful to their values -- whether of lifestyle or of property -- they now have an opportunity to seek to work with the agents prior to the May 21 hearing.

There are recent local precedents for this. Neighborhoods worked with the Publix shopping center at the Bee Ridge Extension to limit undesirable or nuisance uses. They drew up a a set of Covenants signed by all parties. A facsimile of that set of covenants is here - see in particular the development restrictions on p. 2 and the land use restrictions on p. 3-4. Of special interest may be the article Under Land Use Restrictions B.2, where the developer agreed to not have
liquor stores, adult entertainment, bar/tavern, extreme sports, movie theater, animal hospital or veterinary clinic, and more.
Some idea of what the Bee Ridge Commercial area might turn out to look like can be gathered from a statement Mr. Fischer made at the Planning Commission hearing. He said he was the developer of CattleRidge at the northeast corner of Cattlemen Rd. and Bee Ridge, just west of I-75. That site will be familiar to folks who have been to the Sarasota Ale House, Joey D's, the Hampton Inn or any other of the 13 businesses there. The Bee Ridge Park of Commerce could be similar, he said.


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