Planning Commission OKs Re-zoning portion of Bee Ridge Park of Commerce to CN

The Sarasota County Planning Commission voted 6-1 to forward the re-zoning petition for the Bee Ridge Park of Commerce to the County Commission. That is, the Planning Commissioners, after about an hour of probing discussion and remarks from nearby neighborhoods, agreed to give Mr. Peter Dailey and Richard Fischer the right to convert 6.9 acres of the Park of Commerce -- adjacent to the north and east of the Racetrac parcel - to Commercial Neighborhood.

In a separate ruling, they allowed the agents to expand from CN's usual limit of 20,000 square feet to 37,000 square feet for one building, without committing to specific uses for it, or for two other parcels.

In return, Dailey and Fischer on behalf of TerraCap agreed to honor a 50' setback buffer along Bee Ridge Rd. The CN designation does not require that large a buffer, but it was already built into the plan and will remain intact.

Commissioner John Burrus cast the only dissenting vote, stating that the absence of specifics for parts of the 6.9 acre parcel, which could include restaurants or other retail and office space, was troubling. The whole matter of adequate parking was left in limbo, for example.

The Planning Commission also ok'd a right in/right out access point into the BRPOC from Bee Ridge, about 460' east of the Mauna Loa intersection.

Remarks to report the results of a neighborhood poll were submitted both orally and in writing, and can be read here.

Dailey and Fischer will next go before the County Commission seeking final approval for their rezoning.

A poll of Lake Sarasota residents done both online and via email found that many opposed what they would view as nuisances: noisy and unattractive outdoor sales, bars, liquor stores, boarding houses, clubs and lodges, and similar uses allowed under CN zoning.

Fischer and Dailey were instructed by the Planning Commissioners to work closely with Lake Sarasota and other Bee Ridge communities to find uses within the CN zoning that will be compatible with the desires of residents.


Anonymous said…
Well. There goes the neighborhood ! Sigh.

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