Election Info, SCAT on Facebook, Love your Parks

Dear Lake,
Welcome to Sarasota County's community e-newsletter. If you have questions, ideas for articles, or feedback on the system, contact us at pubcom@scgov.net.   
Visit and like the page now to stay on top of new service announcements.
Sarasota County residents must be registered to vote by Monday, July 28, to be eligible to vote in the Primary Election on August 26, according to Supervisor of Elections Kathy Dent.
July is National Parks and Recreation month, and Sarasota County Parks and Recreation is celebrating by launching its own Instagram account this week. 
With local schools scheduled to resume Aug. 18, Sarasota County public health and school officials remind parents to get their child's immunizations updated now.
Sarasota County's beach lifeguard operational hours have been extended from 10 a.m. to 6:45 p.m. daily. The extended hours will run through the Labor Day weekend.  
About Us
Sarasota County Government 
1660 Ringling Blvd., Sarasota,
Florida 34236 

 Sarasota County prohibits discrimination in all services, programs or activities. View the complete policy at https://www.scgov.net/ADA/Pages/default.aspx.
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