More on Bee Ridge timing

A detailed update on the Bee Ridge Rd. project came from the Bee Ridge Neighborhoods Committee, a volunteer group representing some 14 communities impacted by the Bee Ridge Rd. improvements. The information was shared at the Dec. 10th Lake Sarasota Community Group meeting, and is in addition to the latest official report from Sarasota County:

  • The new completion date for the project as a whole is now June 2016 (original date was April), mainly because of unusual amounts of rain.
  • The traffic signals at Mauna Loa are currently under control of the contractor, and they are being monitored to cope with changes in traffic levels due to returning snowbirds and seasonal fluctuation.
  • The Mauna Loa intersection is considered "very difficult" and will require ramping. The south lanes need to be resurfaced and elevated to match the northern lanes of Bee Ridge. Asphalt plants go offline this time of year, however, so the timing of the southern lane elevation has been moved to begin later, most likely around the middle of January.
  • Approximately 60 days before completion, training will be offered to drivers to learn the ins and outs of roundabouts. There will be four roundabouts on Bee Ridge; they will be larger than those on Honore, each with two lanes -- instruction is advisable.

  • An ambitious plan for a new interchange at Bee Ridge and I-75 goes on display at a public meeting today, Dec. 15th -- click here for details. That project calls for widening I-75, widening Bee Ridge under I-75, a "diverging diamond" interchange, and so forth. The actual timing is not close - no money in the current 5-year plan, except for the state to buy right of way.


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