CONA: Surplus Lands at the Celery Fields - Monday April 10, 7 pm
Monday, April 10, 2017
7:00 p.m.
surplus lands and
community treasures
- crucial decisions -
a town hall examination
​On Monday, April 10, 2017 please join CONA for a town hall
examination of our surplus lands policies and zoning processes that are putting lands considered community treasures in danger, perhaps irreversibly. Such crucial decisions require public participation.
The current offer to sell public lands adjacent to the Celery Fields for a construction waste processing facility has drawn the focus of adjacent neighborhoods, environmental groups, conservationists, and many concerned individuals. The issues will be examined to determine what should drive decisions about public lands and how policies may be changed to assure protection of our community treasures while making appropriate decisions about development and preservation.
social 6:30 p.m. - meeting 7:00 p.m.
at the Sarasota Garden Club
neighbors helping neighbors since 1961
Please share with anyone who cares for quality in Sarasota County -