New Stop Sign, water mains, sidewalks and yard sale

Notes from tonight's general meeting:

Mauna Loa Blvd. will soon have one more stop sign, at Friendship and Mauna Loa. The County Commission approved the addition today.

The water lines are set to be installed - it's a 120-day contract. Concurrently, sidewalks are going in on many streets (see list here) -- they'll take somewhat longer to complete. For questions about the project, contact the county coordinator, Rodney Jones, at 941 232-8295.

There's a chance we might get oak trees for the medians - stay tuned.

Plans are afoot to hold a neighborhood yard sale in the middle of March -- come to the next meeting -- Feb. 12th -- for more info!

George plans a citizens patrol training session for late February contact him at

Commiserations to Jeff, our new LSCGroup president, who recently suffered a back injury...get well soon Jeff!

We now are officially a FL corporation, with our own bank account. Contributions to the fund are welcome and can be mailed to:

Lake Sarasota Community Group
PO Box 21983
Sarasota, FL 34276


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