LSCG Meeting Notes, Nov. 10, 2009

Chief Fire Inspector Don Damron offered a lot of information about smoke detectors and fire extinguishers. For those unable to attend, a summary has been put in the files section of the Yahoo Lake Sarasota Group.

The treasury currently has $1321.15. We also still have grant money from the county.

Ray gave us an update on the Bee Ridge Rd. East project that will widen and buffer the road. More here.

NOTE: Several of those present were strongly in favor of forming an ad-hoc committee to press for sidewalks and bike paths to extend west of Mauna Loa to Cattlemen, much of which falls to the state, rather than the county. Also, the empty land used for used cars and a dilapidated old political sign at Bikini and Bee Ridge needs to be cleaned up, several said. Stay tuned.

During a recent Citizens Patrol round, Connie noted the location of several potholes on various Lake Sarasota streets. On Oct. 14, she called the county number: 861-5000, and was connected with a woman who took the addresses of the homes near the potholes. All the potholes had been filled by Oct. 20th. Connie was impressed that it only took one call to get it done. She also learned that Lake Sarasota roads are due for repaving in 2011.

Sandy received $127 in donations from her work on the maps for the Garage Sale, which seems to have been a success.

The group is concerned about recent vandalism at the park and was glad to hear that security cameras are to be installed there. There are also plans to further oxygenate the water of the ponds in the park -- more on this soon.

The next meeting is set for Dec. 8 - if we are meeting in the same room, people will bring snacks.

And the group thanks whoever donated a new flag -- a new one had been ordered, but when the man arrived to replace the old one, he found someone had beat him to it. Our unknown benefactor's kindness is deeply appreciated.

Ted was unable to make the meeting, but will update us on recent incidents in Lake S. soon. He also still needs volunteers for Citizens Patrol:


Anonymous said…
As a resident in Lake Sarasota, I just wanted to express my gratitude for the positive work being done by the community group. Unfortunately, I am unable to make the meetings, but the things being done to improve the community are greatly appreciated. Some of the potholes mentioned were near my home and I would not have known where to begin asking the county to repair them (now I do), and was surprised to find that they had been repaired shortly after they appeared. Many thanks! The changes to the park have greatly improved the experience there as well. I'm very thankful that there are people with time and energy who are willing to put it towards improving our community as a whole. Thank you.

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