Urfer Park Opens Nov. 14

Sarasota's newest park, Urfer Family Park, will open on Nov. 14th. From the county's site:

The grand opening ceremony for Urfer Family Park, 4000 Honore Ave., Sarasota from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. will showcase Sarasota County’s first foray into all-ages physical fitness with outdoor exercise equipment stationed a various places on a paved one-mile walking path. In addition, the park boasts separate playground structures for toddlers, youngsters and teens.

The park’s namesakes, Jack and Thelma Urfer will be on hand during the grand opening celebration, which will feature live entertainment, guided nature walks, food, and activities for the whole family.

Home to cattle, tortoise and scores of native Florida plants, the 55-acre Urfer Family Park will continue to serve as a refuge for flora and fauna while providing recreational amenities for young and old alike. Continued preservation along with an enjoyable experience for families will fulfill the vision of the Urfers, who in 2008 made a $1 million gift to the county to develop the park.


Tara Brown said…
I am very disappionted that a park Named " URFER FAMILY PARK" would have a sign posted NO Animals. his seems to be a nice park where families can attend as families and family activities include Family pets. After working 9 hours per day both my lab and I need some down time to be active before it get's dark. She is my family and not to mentin children love to interact with pets on leash. I would have expected a FAMILY PARK to have a sign "please keep pets on leash and see bags " Park ordinace!! Very unhappy and I am sure i am not alone on this. please inlighten me
Anonymous said…
I too was surprised to learn dogs were completely forbidden. I wonder how the parks dept. decides whether a park may allow dogs.
Anonymous said…
I'm a dog lover myself, but I'd be pretty upset to encounter someone's pit bull while visiting the part with my grandson. All dogs are NOT created equal!!
In fairness to Pit Bulls everywhere, I'm a regular at the paw park on Hand Road (part of Lakeview park), and there are many Pits and Pit mixes that regularly visit the park. 99% of them are well behaved at all times. Those that are not are quickly identified and their owners are asked to manage them closely or keep them on a leash.

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