October crime report from the Sheriff"s Office

Ted shared this October update of crime reported in Lake Sarasota:

Here's the October crime report:

There were eight total incidents: one burglary, one juvenile disturbance, and six thefts. Palau Drive was the "hotspot" with three thefts. Two were at adjacent addresses (4051 and 4052). The burglary was at 4111 Berkshire. The Juvenile disturbance was at 6918 Jarvis Road. The other four thefts were at 7266 Mauna Loa, 4008 Palau, 4102 Berkshire, and 3948 Middlesex. Most incidents occurred between the 9th and the 17th of the month. Most incidents occurred between 5 p.m. and midnight. Three incidents occurred in the morning hours, one at 4111 Berkshire (burglary), one at 4008 Palau (theft), and one at 4051 Palau (theft).

The number of incidents doubled over September, but are still below the high levels experienced during the summer months.

Ted Cover
Citizens Patrol

As always, Citizens Patrol could use a few good volunteers - it doesn't take much time, is entirely safe, and proven effective. Give Ted a call at 379-0758 (email) if you can spare an hour a month or so.


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